Post by hunt4fun1 on May 6, 2004 8:40:30 GMT -5
Maybe this is the "conservative" plane for the hunting population of the net. I saw a couple of "yeas" for you. Who is CharlieP? I think I'm pretty sure what the "P" stands for.....it's obvious.
I'll bet my next ENTIRE paycheck that he votes for Kerry. That's the kind of thinkin that will NEVER get Kerry elected. We can't have a "P" in the White House....not now.
Post by hunt4fun1 on May 6, 2004 8:42:27 GMT -5
And hey, 4pt......
Post this link over there......see how long it takes for them to remove it......Heh.....follow, follow, sheeple.
Post by GoTres on May 6, 2004 9:16:58 GMT -5
No it's not just you. I'd love to know how Americans REALLY feel about this. What they would tell you over a beer, not when Peter Jennings is asking them in front of a TV camera.
I realize that Americans pride ourselves for taking the high road. We shook our fist all during the 90's when an American was shot & thrown off of a cruise ship. We whimpered when the bastards tried to blow up the WTC the first time, and when they blew up our embassies, and the Marine barracks in Beirut, and when they sent a few guys out on a rubber boat and blew a hole in a Navy ship and when they dragged dead soldiers through the streets of that rathole Somalia.
These 18-24 yr old men & women that we sent to fight and maybe die have grown up watching all of this. They also saw people shot, beaten, burned, and hung from a bridge. Do we expect them to go back to guarding these followers of "the religion of peace", hold hands and sing Kumbaya? These are the same people who were shooting at them last week.
We're talking about a sensationalistic story reported by the liberal American press in an election year about a TV war that is dropping in popularity.
I don't believe that it happened the way the Dan Rather says it did. Kick the damn media out of the country and finish the job. Get the hell out of there and bring all the oil you can carry. Close the US borders and let that hellhole of a region wipe themselves out. Maybe we could lob a cruise missle over every once in a while just to keep it interesting.
4pt, that HNI discussion plain wore me out. Now I remember why I don't go there anymore.
Post by noonebil on May 6, 2004 15:22:33 GMT -5
Today on Fox News, the question was posed as why people were not as outraged by the atrocities against american soldiers as the were about the araqi prisoners. I know the answer. The media has presented it that way. For starters, they down played what was done to the Americans. Secondly, you cant watch 5 minutes of a liberal news show without being presented images of thes 'poor Iraqi prisoners'.
The media has spun it that way. It wouldn't fit the liberal plan if Mr. & Mrs. Average America approved of the war effort.
Post by hunt4fun1 on May 6, 2004 18:04:47 GMT -5
bil hit that one right on the head....
It's all in the way the Spin Doctors present the facts or lack thereof!!
Post by GoTres on May 11, 2004 20:40:52 GMT -5
James Inhofe (R-OK) said in the polticized grandstand of a hearing that he was "outraged at the outrage."
Finally a public official with the juevos to stand up and call it what it is. Tighten up America. You'd see worse at most county jails, they just wouldn't be dumb enough to take pictures of themselves.
Way to go Inhofe. The best thing to come out of Oklahoma since I35.
Post by Shorthair on May 12, 2004 3:55:00 GMT -5
Dude I just went and looked at this one. Wow what a bunch a-holes. I love America and have no western european white mans guilt! Screw those punks in that prison. They were the enemy and they knew crap we needed to know to carry out ops over there while minimizing our own casualties. I guess we've all heard now about them beheading one our boys they held captive. Please be advised this happened before the "abuse" scandal was made public! The lefties in the press are going to tell you this was retaliation but it happened first so that is BS! I think we need to organize a boycott of all this crap coming from ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, AP newswires. If I hear Ted Kennedy making any more ugly comments about our boys over there I gonna puke!
Post by RedOak on May 12, 2004 5:58:37 GMT -5
Just curious SH as to where you got the info this happened prior to the photos release. I did notice in the CNN article I read the statments of the terrorist in the vide revolved around the US not making an exchange for some of their people held by the US, while the Web site it was posted on said it was in retaliation.
Post by Shorthair on May 12, 2004 19:47:38 GMT -5
I was misinformed. I heard it on The Savage Nation last night. He was wrong about the dates. Soory for misleading y'all it wasn't intentional.